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Home - Clock of Destiny

And when the Moorish Rite is established it will be true to Masonic form; all people will be welcome, regardless of race, creed or color. That is the Moorish way. That's how our ancestors practiced Freemasonry and governed civilization. We will have our style of Freemasonry according to our culture. Masonic Secrets Revealed CONTAINING ALL THE DEGREES OF THE ORDER CONFERRED IN A MASTER'S LODGE, AS EXPOSED BY CAPTAIN WILLIAM MORGAN. All the Degrees Conferred in the Royal Arch Chapter and. Download: Moorish Masonry Books Moorish Science Books The Journal Of The Moorish Paradigm Books Journal Of Moorish Paradigm Book 8 Ancient Kemetic Moorish Science Mason Masonry The Masonry Society Masonry Work Pdf The Masonry Society Plumbing And Masonry Masonry Designers Guide Masonry Skills 7th Edition Pdf.

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Blog of Enlightenment. After around a half hour, it came to me through a familiar voice that these loved ones weren't actually there, although their former bodies rested there, moorish masons pdf download, but that they had come to this site themselves this day because we came. In the center is the S. There are approximately 5. Of the remaining 1. Europe has 80, Freemasons, while Latin America and the Philippines accommodate 50, and 10, Freemasons respectively.

Today there are over 5, Prince Hall lodges with forty-seven grand lodges who can trace their origin to African Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons 1 laterBoston, Massachusetts. In these organizations are overMaster Masons.

The Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine is primarily a benevolent, charitable and fraternal organization, Its membership is dedicated to the principle of fostering civic, economic and educational development programs throughout the world. Prince Hall Jurisdiction and Paul M. Through the influences through Foreign Correspondence by men such as William T. There are also adoptive, moorish masons pdf download, appendant and affiliated bodies including all houses in the Scottish Rite, moorish masons pdf download, the York Rite, the Order of the Eastern Star and the Shriners.

Based on the proceedings of Prince Hall Independent Grand Lodge minutes fromthe National Compact was never dissolved, and because it was constituted by Grand Lodges tracing their lineage to African Lodge and thus was their offspring, moorish masons pdf download, then PHO today cannot be declared irregular or clandestine.

Previously a grand lodge had to trace its lineage to the Grand Lodges of England, moorish masons pdf download, Scotland or Ireland. Now England had added African Lodge However, for many years Prince Hall PH Masonry was considered irregular and clandestine by most Grand Lodge GL jurisdictions and no doubt racial bias played a part in that determination.

Concerning Prince Hall Masonry, it is important to realize that for most of its existence, European Freemasonry has been a very racist institution. After nearly two centuries of controversy, moorish masons pdf download, the Grand Lodge of England was asked to decide the matter of Prince Hall Moorish masons pdf download legitimacy, moorish masons pdf download.

Grand Lodge of Massachusetts was indeed entitled to Masonic recognition. African Lodge was, however, not formally erased. Therefore, moorish masons pdf download, s o-called Blacks Moors were traditionally excluded from the Craft on the grounds that a Masonic candidate must be "a man, free born, of good report and well-recommended. They raided up the coastlines of Europe, moorish masons pdf download, particularly the Albion now called British Isles, but even as far as Iceland, kidnapping and enslaving Europeans Albions.

His Proclamation of required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually Albions so-called whites. Thus, the Irish were of slave ancestry also and yet they were able to form the Grand Lodge of Ireland and is recognized.

Moors understand that the real issue was nationality or rather the lack thereof, as just the year prior to inthe Moors were stripped of their nationality in Liberty Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during a Congressional Assembly under the Articles of Association. Nationality determines the political status of the individual, especially with reference to allegiance, moorish masons pdf download, while domicile determines his civil status.

Nationality arise either by birth or naturalization, according to savigny, nationality is also used as opposed to territoriality for the purpose of distinguishing the case of a nation having no national territory, example, the Jews. W hen the Military Moorish masons pdf download left the area, the African Americans were moorish masons pdf download the authority to meet as a Lodge, form Processions on the days of the Saints John, and conduct Masonic fun erals, but not to confer degrees nor to do other Masonic work.

On July 3,the group formed African Lodge No. Provincial Grand Master of North America John Moorish masons pdf download granted the lodge a second limited permit to continue their activities. We have had no opportunity to apply for a Warrant before now, although we have been importuned to send to France for one, yet we thought it best to send to the fountain from whence we received the Light, for a Warrant: and now dear Brother we must make you our advocate at the Grand Lodge, hoping you will be so good in our name and stead to lay this before the Royal Grand Master and the Grand Wardens and the rest of the Grand Lodge, who we hope will not deny us nor treat us beneath the rest of our fellowmen, although poor, yet Sincere Brethren of the Craft.

Thus, the date had to be much later. If true, the Neptune ship must have been one of the 3 three boats dock at the Boston Harbor port? African Grand Lodge sent them a copy of their charter, but Bayer Lodge returned an answer that the charter was like any other lodge charter and they could not see that African Grand Lodge had authority to issue charters.

There was no official pronouncement of when the event occurred. It was at this point that John I. Hilton proposed to the Grand Lodge, an official "Declaration of Independence".

They were to write such a declaration and place it in the newspaper, so that it would be official, once and for all. And so it came to pass that on June 18, a declaration declaring African Grand Lodge We do therefore declare ourselves henceforth free. This is an excerpt from the lessons of C.

If you read the history of the Moors you will understand that it is due to a heavy influx of Moorish blood in their veins - Nakim Allah Bey. Note, that according to the date of both of these great men lived during the same time. Even so, out of the two enigmas Benjamin Banneker and Prince Hall… it is Prince Hall who has the less amount of information and apparently the most conjecture.

Prince Hall's birth date and birthplace are subject to conjecture. He may have been born in England, Massachusetts or Barbados, and his year of birth is generally recorded as either or ?

Grand Master William Grimshaw even had it at George W. Voorhis based much of what he wrote on Grimshaw's book. A shor t time later Voorhis discovered Grimshaw's book was loa ded with errors and fanciful writing, so Voorhis removed his book from distribution. Harry E. The repetition of this story without a sound basis has led astray more than one author, including myself.

Charles V. Without presenting or indicating his supporting documentation or evidence of proof, He initiated myths and untruths about Prince Hall, intermingling them with factual materials, thus presenting an interesting story. William H. Sadder still are those who recognize that Grimshaw's information is not reliable or creditable, but moorish masons pdf download use this same information.

Walkes, Jr. Therefore, the question is N ow, Historian Moorish masons pdf download H. Wesley may have developed what is now the widely accepted theory on Prince Hall. However, it is still merely a theory.

Nevertheless, based upon his research, by age 11 Prince Hall was a slave to Boston tanner William Hall. This is the same nonsense written of Benjamin Bannaka Banneker. Allegedly, he was seized in some part of West Africa Af-Ra-Ka as a boy between 11 and 14 and brought to New England by a slave-trader and sold as a slave Note: They both were 11?

Charles Harris Wesley December 2, — August 16, was an American historian, educator, writer and author. Revealing his connection to the 'Boule' is not to slight Bro. Charles Mosley Bey, 3rd, 32nd, 33rd, degrees. The place of his birth is unknown. It is extremely hard to conclusively say which man in either case is actually Prince Hall. Or was he? There is disagreement regarding the origins and birth date of Prince Hall.

Fred C. Tradition has it as Dec. This actually, means NO one is for sure when he died. The question is with ALL the dissent with the dates, how do we know when he was born and died and the members of his own Masonic order do NOT know? But the lodge in which Prince Hall moorish masons pdf download was 'African' Lodge Therefore, it seems that the word 'African' would have been used and not the word 'Colored', which was not a widely used word during that moorish masons pdf download period, moorish masons pdf download.

Prince must have been a rather popular 'name' or was 'Prince' really a title? Documents in Massachusetts showing that slave-owner William Hall freed a man named Prince Hall on April 9, cannot be conclusively linked to any one moorish masons pdf download as there exists record of no fewer than 21 males named Prince Hall, and several other men named Prince Hall were living in Boston at that time.

It is believed, but not certain, that Hall was one of the six "Prince Halls" from Massachusetts to serve during the war; listed in military records of the Revolution, and he may well have foug ht at Bunker Hill. Was Prince Hall a slave? Not hardly. He was a servant; it says so in his marriage announcement and his manumission papers. There were three classes of Blacks in those days: free Blacks Moorsslaves and servants, and there were different laws set up for each class. Manumission papers had to be issued to prove, if stopped by the authorities, that Prince Hall, once a servant was now free.

It is also unknown whether he was actually free-born or a freedman hence, a former slave? But guess moorish masons pdf download A lot of this information will be false, moorish masons pdf download. Where it all came from is entirely a different story, to be dealt with at another time. We are not here to dwell on — or criticize -- misinformation. We are here to learn the truth. Once you have the truth, you have an armor that no one can penetrate.

Where did Prince Hall come from? Perhaps the greatest African-American historian of all times, George William Washington, moorish masons pdf download, input it simply this way "Prince Hall was born in ; where?

We do not know, moorish masons pdf download. Those who were branded negroes, colored and black were enslaved but were not, and are not the People seeking freedom from the British, however, since the Moroccans Moors housed these Serfs Indentured Servants and Slaves…remember the word Slavic as in Yugoslavia is the true origin of the word slave… It is derived from the word, Slovene and Slovak.

Thus, the said Albion Europeans were the first slaves in Americathey too were in conflict with Britain.

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Essence Of Masonry and Moorish Science Reveal Pt.1

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Moorish masons pdf download

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Masonic Secrets Revealed CONTAINING ALL THE DEGREES OF THE ORDER CONFERRED IN A MASTER'S LODGE, AS EXPOSED BY CAPTAIN WILLIAM MORGAN. All the Degrees Conferred in the Royal Arch Chapter and. The Real Indian is the Negro aka the Blackamoor. **The oldest body found in America is that of a ‘Negroid’ names Lucy** Prophet is Muhammad. there: Note from. The purpose of this writing is to provide the reader with some of the most important secret histories directly related to Black People in America that pertain directly to the. Welcome to Clock of Destiny. The Ć¢€˜Clock of DestinyĆ¢€™ Moorish International College of the Great Seal of degrees is a resurrection of the Moorish Masons of the ancient ones. We are a body of Men and Women of various orders namely, Masons (Mechanics), Eastern Stars, Rosicrucians, Buffaloes, Druids, Shriners etc., claiming their Moorish Birthrights as Free Born Moorish Americans.

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